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CableConn understands that you are the expert for your product. Whether your product flies, drives, floats or dives, works outside, inside, outer-space, underground, underwater, in the office, in the lab, at home or is carried around in your customer’s pocket, your product needs to connect with something. Whether your product is connecting with itself, another device or a power source, accomplishing this can be quite challenging. With over 700 connectors, wire and cable companies to choose from, thousands of connector styles, hundreds of material choices, what you call out are just as critical as how your product is laid out.

CableConn Industries specializes in providing complete quick-turn custom interconnect solutions to the high-tech industry. For over 25 years CableConn has been transforming their customers’ concepts and drawings into deliverable solutions, cable assemblies, and wire harnesses.


  • Custom Cable Assembly & Wire Harness
  • Coax
  • Electromechanical Box Builds
  • Engineering Services
  • Potting & Molding
  • In-House Fixtures & Molds
  • Quality Control & Testing
  • Cable Assembly Tooling
  • Distribution & Kitting

To say CableConn produces high-quality, high-mix, custom cable assemblies is certainly what they do, but there is a lot more to it than that.

CableConn has been helping customer products connect to itself, another device, a power source, and more importantly, to the marketplace for over twenty-five years. Whether your connection requires a high speed, low speed, high power, low power, high density, or low density, there are a lot of choices to be made as to how to accomplish this. If you would like help in making these choices, you have come to the right place.